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About Lift The Spirit

Biography: My name is Shanna and I was born and raised in Florida. When I was 8 years old I made the decision that when I grew up I would become a singer and a fiction writer. At the age of 10 I began to practice singing seriously by myself and at the age of 15 I began writing my first book.

Fall 2012 I graduated with a B.S. in Christian Leadership. Currently I am an alumni at the Christian college I am attending working toward a B.A. in Music Ministry.

Explanation: Lift the Spirit is created because I want to serve the Lord and not have all of the attention drawn to my individual name all the time. Lift the Spirit is about bringing glory to the name of the Lord. From this moment on everything will be in present tense as if what is being said is currently taking place. However, to take care of confusion Lift the Spirit (ministries) at this moment in time has only one member so far.

Vision Statement
: Lift the Spirit is an evangelistic praise & worship ministry. Its primary mission is to bring glory and recognition to the name of the Lord. Lift the Spirit travels and goes on tours around the United States spreading the gospel through joyous praise & worship. Lift the spirit also promotes higher education (especially toward church ministry callings), and family unity with their positive and motivational on-line media seminars found on their website. Lift the Spirit has one original album out and are currently working on their second album. Lift the Spirit is also preparing for their first tour overseas which will begin after next fall. -November 8, 2010